My Author Website Is Finally Online!

Welcome to my website! :tada:

It’s been in development a long time, and I’m so happy to finally make my online presence official. I look forward to sharing my passion for reading and writing fantasy stories here on my blog. :dragon_face: You can subscribe to my RSS feed if you have a reader.

Time permitting, I have a lot of aspirations of what this space can be. Sharing some hard-won writing advice, my favourite books on writing craft, maybe offering critiques and finding guest bloggers. But for now, my writing largely comes first. I plan to begin querying my adult fantasy novel, Prison of Whispers, by the end of this month. While I’m waiting to hear back on that front, I’m going to finish the first draft of my YA fantasy story, tentatively titled “Dragon Keeper”, which I intend to self-publish in 2020.

Thanks for stopping by! You can connect with on Twitter. Shoot me an @ message if you want to get in touch. :grinning:

Home page artwork

When I was building this website, I spent an inordinate amount of time creating the parallax effect on the floating island art that dominates the top of the home page. It is very satisfying to see my art for Prison of Whispers come to life in even this small way. :scream: (Note: The parallax effect is disabled for mobile screens.)

Built with Jekyll

As something of a personal challenge, I decided to forego a CMS platform like WordPress to instead make my own website largely from scratch. I used Jekyll, which is a static site generator. Highly recommended if you’re tech-savvy and feel like trying something new. In the upcoming months, when I have time off from writing (does that exist?), I’ll add a few new features to the website, most notably the missing contact form and newsletter signup.

Edit: Contact form is now live!

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