Current Projects

These Fleeting Flames

YA fantasy novel

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100% • Complete

Prison of Whispers

Dark Fantasy Novel

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100% • Complete

Secret Fantasy Project #1

Dark Fantasy Novel

50% • Brainstorming

Secret Fantasy Project #2

YA fantasy novel

25% • First Draft (on hold)

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Compiling Beta Reader Revision Notes

If you’ve ever had more than one beta reader reviewing your manuscript at a time, you’ve probably amassed a fair amount of feedback in chapter notes, line-by-line comments, questionnaires, and/or written summaries.

Compiling all this feedback into an organized document that actually helps you tackle story revisions can be challenging. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can make the process easier on yourself.

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Beta Reader Signup Questionnaires

For anyone who has looked for beta readers on forums or social media, you may know that people are eager to sign up, but not everyone follows through. Today I’ll describe one way you can better engage with beta readers early: having them fill out a brief signup questionnaire.

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Tips for Surviving Query Letter Hell

I suck at writing query letters.

In fact, I’m so awful at making a story sound enticing, I’ve given up explaining the premise of new movies to my boyfriend. When I do, he inevitably has no interest in seeing them.

This September I spent upwards of thirty hours writing and rewriting (and rewriting) the 200 words that comprise my query letter’s pitch. Thankfully I had some patient feedback from beta readers and other writers on the internet. Otherwise, I’d still be sitting on a supremely dry and boring excuse of a query for These Fleeting Flames.

Today I’m going to share a few hard-won tips that helped me write a half-decent query letter.

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Emma Rowan

Author & Blog Owner

Emma Rowan is an epic fantasy writer devoted to giving her readers gripping, high-stakes adventures that will test their hearts. Her leading characters possess marked grit, courage, and persistence, and even then they don’t all make it to the story’s end. She explores themes of sacrifice, love both pure and monstrous, and what it truly means to be human.

When she isn’t writing, Emma works as a computer scientist. She develops mobile applications for iOS and Android, creates UI/UX designs, and builds websites on the side. She’s also a musician and digital artist.

Some of her recent favourite books include Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, Circe by Madeline Miller, the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden, the Swords and Fire series by Melissa Caruso, The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, and Skyward by Brandon Sanderson.

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